Sacred Drum + Sound Session

New Offering: Sacred Drum + Sound

Most people think of a sound bath for calming relaxation and stress relief and they’d be right. The soothing nature of crystal singing bowls, chimes and other melodic instruments helps to activate the parasympathetic nervous system and the bodies natural ‘rest and restore’ function.

But sound can also be used to activate and shake things up a bit! Sound in this form is perfect for feelings of stuckness, agitation, feelings of being held back, anger etc - I’m sure you are having a physical response in your body just from reading these words.

You know the feeling in your body: your belly feels tight or knotted, shoulders are tense, clenching jaw or hips, trouble sitting still.

You might be experiencing looping thoughts (the same thought going around and around), agitation, short fuse, trouble finding solutions to issues.

Using the frame drum (medicine drum, shamanic drum, sacred drum) we can work on breaking up that stuck, negative, slow/low energy so your body can naturally transform it into something more supportive.

In this session we utilize percussive instruments, guided processes, conversations to help you self identify areas that hold tension, emotions that feel stuck etc and then work to free them up and move them through. I regularly check in to ensure you feel safe and hear your feedback. This is a non invasive, fully clothed session and I will always ask for consent before introducing an instrument or process. The second phase of the session is all about bringing the energy back in a soothed and flowing way, integrate any ‘breakthroughs’ etc using crystal singing bowls and other soothing harmonic instruments.

There are some contraindication, being in the first trimester of pregnancy (sound may be played directly on or in very close proximity to the body), sound induced seizures/epilepsy and severe and chronic mental illness.

When you book your session there is a form to complete to help me prepare and offer an insight to where you are and what is present for you. When you arrive we will have a conversation before our session begins. It’s essential to understand I am not qualified to diagnose or offer counseling. This is a self enquiry and reflection, I offer the space (physical and energetic), drumming and sound opportunities for you to guide your own ‘self healing’.