The thing about self care.....

Self love, self care whatever you want to call it - here’s the thing, it’s almost impossible to do when your nervous system is so out of whack. You ‘know’ your mind and body is desperate for some time out and tending to but you just can’t seem to find the time or feel so guilty for even considering it.

Have you heard the term ‘tired and wired’? Read how describes it - but in a nutshell, you feel bone tired but when you try to sleep your brain is wired. Our society glamorises burning the candle at both ends. Pushing yourself to get more done in less time while still having a life, a relationship and a family. It’s freaking impossible!

This leaves us feeling really burnt out and a little trapped in our lives - doing it all again tomorrow……. Many women feel so disconnected from their true selves - especially when mothering small humans.

Don’t get me wrong, self care is definitely important and should really be a part of our everyday life - it could even be as simple as having a mindful shower with your fave shower gel or a body scrub - it really doesn’t have to be anything fancy or time consuming. But here’s the thing, your nervous system has tapped out, your brain is foggy and no amount of shower gel is going to get you back to equilibrium.

This is where the power of sound and vibrational therapy come into their own. You don’t need to learn any new techniques or yoga poses, all you need to do is get comfortable and listen. Deep listening is a practise, especially if you’re totally burnt out and in survival mode but the more you listen, the easier it gets to maintain your attention to the sounds and healing/soothing vibrations to work their magic on your body and mind.

Our bodies are approx 70% water and sound travels through water faster than air AND we don’t just hear sound we feel it too. Sound makes physical changes in our bodies at a cellular level - cells are made of energy grouped together and sound waves move that energy and help the body to find equilibrium/balance. Sound work on our brain too - helping to slow the brain waves from beta (awake/alert), to alpha (calm/relaxed) to theta (deep relaxation/meditative state/sleep). All of this combined helps the nervous system to regulate, the endocrine system to balance and allow our immune system to strengthen.

Sound and vibrational therapy is not just listen to relaxing sound that’s leaves you feeling nice - it is actually making physical changes and strengthening your body to have more resilience to everyday stress. When you can support yourself to be healthy and resilient self care becomes easier, because your nervous system is soothed and the feelings of guilt to taking time for yourself has diminished. The self care activities you’re now integrating into your life more beneficial and rewarding. Not only that, you’re modelling to your children, partner, friends and family taking time to meet your physical and emotional needs is important.

Getting started with sound - If leaving the house and coming to a sound bath is too much right now, begin with an app and GOOD quality headphones. My go it app is Insight Timer it’s free and has so many different tracks to choose from.

Want something more than an app? Come along to a sound bath session with me (or a sound bath near you) not only with you experience live sound, the act of leaving your house and making the physical effort to invest in yourself is huge - it’s telling your brain, ‘I am important’. You’ll also meet like minded people, connect on a human level with others (one of the BIGGEST benefits to coming to women’s circles). Experiencing live sound is other worldly, you hear it, feel it in your body and in your soul!

If you’re ready to experience a sound bath, sign up to my newsletter and follow on Instagram for updates on session times.

Blessings, Bron

Bron Arnold-BriggsComment